September 29, 2008

Test post!

This is a test to see how posting to the blog from my phone will actually work. I want to see if I can get more than 160 characters in a post and how does it look with and without photos attached.

Here is a new paragraph.

And another.

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September 20, 2008

A. wins 309-304

A. wins 309-304
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

Low scoring game today. Found a great coffeeshop in Brookfield, Loca Mocha.

September 13, 2008

A. wins 387-304

A. wins 387-304
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

R. had a bingo: lotoses (she cheated to find it) but it didn't help tonight. We were back at Prisco's Next Door, and are starting to question the quality of the lattes here.

September 06, 2008

A. wins 338-268

A. wins 338-268
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

Last night's game was at a new-to-us coffeeshop called Prisco's Next Door. Nice place. We'll be back