March 22, 2010

How about some free music?

I was playing around on Amazon last night, and I found these free mp3 album downloads.  You can preview the tracks before deciding to download or not.  There were some other free mp3 albums that I came across which I did not download because I didn't really care for the tunes on preview.  Here's what I downloaded:

Vanguard Visionaries Series SamplerWicked Cool Coming AttractionsAnalekta: Classical Gems: Free SamplerSampler CollectorCMJ 2009: The Bands, The Music, The City, Vol. 3

This morning I found some more recently released free mp3 albums that I have yet to download and listen to, but here they are:

Ioda Sxsw Opening Day Bash Sampler 2010Volcom Entertainment 2010 Label SamplerMarch 2010 Saddle Creek Sampler

Happy listening!

March 19, 2010

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