December 30, 2007

R. wins 381-342

R. wins 381-342
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

R. wins with the help of the only bingo in the game: oneness. I spilled my drink before we started playing

December 28, 2007

A wins 456-328

A wins 456-328
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

I started off this game with a bingo: cabinEd and had a second one later: misspend. The second one was my first ever double-double, good for 102 points. This game was my highest score yet.

December 22, 2007

After the Estimation game.

After the Estimation game.
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

We played a game of Estimation after afternoon dessert at the Houck Christmas. Jon won.

December 15, 2007

Vicious kitty.

Vicious kitty.
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

At the UHACC party.

A. wins 338-269

A. wins 338-269
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

I started the game with a bingo (oKaying) but didn't really have anything great after that.

December 14, 2007

A. wins 417-257

A. wins 417-257
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

I hit 400+ points for the first time ever with the help of two bingos: roadies and training. Also had a four word combo with some, moss, lids and ones. That was only worth 21 points, but it was fun.

December 12, 2007

I finally found a great use for the function keys! Using xbindkeys and xbindkeys-config, I was able to easily map the F2, F3, and F4 keys to go directly to the post page for some of my blogs. I'll have to send the .xbindkeysrc file to myself so that I can load this on all the computers that I post from. I don't know if it will help me post more frequently, but it certainly can't hurt.

November 10, 2007

A. wins 370-289

A. wins 370-289
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

I had all the good tiles tonight. One bingo: ennoble.

November 09, 2007

November 03, 2007

A. wins 350-302

A. wins 350-302
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

Finally! I won, but it wasn't easy. At the start = had 'liquor' but did not have a place to play it. I passed several times and then missed seeing that I could play 'howl' and 'liquor' for 75 points. I made up for it later with 'snoozed' for 115.

R. wins 350-310

R. wins 350-310
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

Another loss for me!

R. wins 375-263

R. wins 375-263
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

Once again, R. destroyed me in a timed game. This makes six in a row that she has won, and has reminded me that I have been slacking on posting the game pics.

October 26, 2007

Job hunt woes #1

Today, I submitted my first of what will hopefully be a few applications for a permanent job.

Preparing my application package was a time-intensive process that has taken my attention away from day-to-day activities, like some research, some course prep, some exercise, and certainly re-organizing my office. On the other hand, I did find that it made me think seriously about my teaching philosophy and research goals. I think there is some value in keeping those ideas in mind.

October 25, 2007

I just remembered a random thing that has frequently annoyed me:

Watching home improvement shows on HGTV or TLC that show a renovation project that begins with a demolition where the renovator starts by swinging a sledge hammer willy nilly really drives me crazy. First of all, demolition in this manner creates a larger mess than necessary. It is far easier to clean up large chunks than the tiny pieces of shrapnel that the sledging creates. Secondly, anything that is constructed can be de-constructed. You can salvage material for scrap or reuse and you guarantee that base structures needed for rebuilding onto are not damaged. And finally, it takes more energy to swing the heavy hammer than is necessary. You get tired easily doing the demolition the way it is shown on TV. And lastly...I've never seen a pro do demolition with a sledge.

September 09, 2007

A. wins 316-252

A. wins 316-252
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

After a day trip to Allerton Park we stopped in at the Coffeehound in Bloomington for drinks and a game.

September 08, 2007

August 31, 2007

A wins 342-341

A wins 342-341
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

R. led the whole game until the very last play. She had 68 points for "quits" and I had "slinGEr" for a bingo.

August 29, 2007

Science Friday: Making Science Radioactive

One of my favorite radio shows is Science Friday, which is on many NPR stations every Friday in the "Talk of the Nation" time slot. Last Friday, Ira talked with the current project manager and the former project manager of the Voyager space probes which are now 30 years old! (Hey...that's how old I am...) Listen to the podcast version of the show.

August 25, 2007

R. wins 255-253

R. wins 255-253
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

Tonight makes two in a row for R. This was a timed game, hence the lower score for both of us.

August 24, 2007

R. wins 354-263

R. wins 354-263
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

R. kicked my butt tonight! She got a bingo: griddle.

August 21, 2007

On my way home today, I walked the last three blocks on the Constitution Trail, which takes me right by a community garden at the Atwood Wayside right by home. I had my new toy with me and took a few photos of the flowers and the visitors they were attracting.

August 11, 2007

A. wins 307-272

A. wins 307-272
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

I won, but only because "fart" is not in the recreational dictionary and R. let me play "jet," "jo," and "faro" with j on the TL square for 58 points.

July 24, 2007

Tonight I was playing around with Picasa and uploading some photos to picasweb. The following slideshow is what I like to call: "It's all about Jennette".

July 16, 2007

Nerd decorating

Awesome idea for a bathroom tile job.
clipped from

Tetris shower


July 07, 2007


Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

This was the first timed game that we have ever played. I won 317-295 but no bingos.

July 04, 2007

Independence Day SCRABBLE

Independence Day SCRABBLE
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

We found a new Caribou Coffee to play at today. R. killed me: 381-276. She had a natural bingo: notions.

June 29, 2007


Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

After getting my butt kicked twice in a row, I came back in style tonight. I had two bingos tonight: "angrily" and "attains"; both of which were natural bingos R. had a bingo, too:"goiters". She chose to hold the tiles for a few rounds until I opened a spot for her. Final score: 420-279.

Also, I finally figured out how to moblog with a photo from my new phone.

June 25, 2007

I'm finally starting to recover from the incredible Cubs win tonight against the Rockies. This is the sort of thing that Cubs fans are not used to seeing.

Tonight I also heard the first fireworks going off in the neighborhood. I really wish that the fireworks nutjobs would set them off between 10 pm and 11pm, instead of between 11:30 pm and 2:30 am. It makes it hard for those of us who keep the windows open to stay asleep. I suppose I should be glad that this is the first I've heard the fireworks. Last year it seemed like they started much earlier in Summer.

"...into's going to drop down! Jones is in! Here comes Koyie Hill! CUBS WIN!!!"

I've watched that probably 20 times tonight. Still love it!

June 21, 2007

I went out to the Sugar Grove Observatory to do some impromptu observing with one of the TCAA members tonight (last night, it's now early morning) and met a nice couple who were out to see the ISS pass by at about 10:00pm. We waited and chatted, and right on schedule the ISS rose in the NW over the trees. But, what was amazing was that Atlantis had undocked and was about 10-15 degrees away from the ISS, trailing it. The transit across the sky took a minute or so, but it was enough time for me to call R. and let her know to go out and look at it. She pointed out that without the trailing shuttle she might not have been able to recognize the ISS in the midst of the O'Hare/Midway traffic, except that perhaps you could tell that the ISS and the shuttle did not have blinking lights on them. It was really neat to watch them disappear into the shadow of the Earth before they appeared to set. Really cool!

Visible Pass Details

June 12, 2007

My research students and I got together for the first time this summer in the lab for a very productive first day. The UIUC group is clearing out of the optics lab (and more importantly off of the optics table) for the summer, meaning we have the whole table to ourselves! We cleaned up the corner and started rearranging equipment. After a solid afternoon of working, the students had the instrumentation and PC arranged on the other side of the optics table (away from the wall) and the optical elements rearranged on the table. Fingers crossed, we should have a working speckle pattern interferometer by tomorrow if all goes well.

May 07, 2007

Ready or not here they come

One day before May Term '07 starts and I finally got some time to get some stuff together. A week is not really enough time to put together all the materials for the class, and I was too busy during the semester to do anything serious towards getting ready. But, tomorrow will come and with it 20 students whether I'm ready for it. I was happy that I crossed most of the items off of my "to do" list before I left for the night.  I think I'm as set as I could possibly be.

I ran around to all the teacher supply stores and hit Toys 'R Us looking for a plastic trumpet that I'd like to use as a demo.  No luck, but I did find corrugated tubes at the Dollar Store for $1.00 a piece.  I also learned that it's nearly impossible to buy a Hoberman sphere anymore.  Guess I'll have to get one from ebay.

I'm going to try to get to school early tomorrow and every day of May Term. More later.

Powered by ScribeFire.

May 06, 2007

I started off my day in Montgomery, where R. and I had spent the weekend.  She had to work today, so after she took off for work, I got up and packed the car for the ride back to Bloomington.

After a pit stop at the Starbucks in Oswego (side note: I can only imagine the nightmare the tight parking lot would be on a weekday.) I was on my way with wake-up juice and a breakfast sandwich.  Two hours and about 15 podcasts later I was back in Bloomington.

One of the physics professors who could not make it to the commencement hosted a get together for the graduating seniors in CNS. He also left me his regalia so that I could participate in the ceremony. (I got to wear a Harvard hood.)

The weather was just about perfect for the ceremony. There was a thin layer of clouds early in the afternoon which was enough to block the glare of the sun, but not enough to make the sky seem completely overcast. I stood near some bio profs who had the wisdom to wear sunglasses and sunblock. Fortunately, I would not suffer for the lack of either.

Seen in the hands of faculty: reading material for the name reading part of the ceremony.

We marched in and stood in front of our seats while the graduates filed in. I was in the third row back from the front of the faculty, so my view was pretty good. By the time everyone was seated and I looked around it was pretty amazing to see the sheer number of people filling the quadrangle.  The steps of Sheean Library formed the stage. It's the most use the building gets all year.

The ceremony itself was nice, although the seats we were in were packed a little close. Three of the four speakers were really good. I'm sure the class president's speech was good for the students in the class who got all of his in-jokes. The president of the board of trustees gave a great intro which invoked Vonnegut. I heard some of my colleagues behind me saying they thought it was one of the best commencement speeches they had heard. The professor of the year talked about "casting you bread upon the water" and "it comes back buttered". And the keynote speaker told the graduates to "Question Everything".  The messages they all delivered were unique and appropriate and well received. I really enjoyed it, my personal comfort notwithstanding.

Afterward there were the traditional scones and strawberries for refreshments.  There were photos with the graduates and chatting with the families.  I was hoping to get some work on the May Term class done, but left a bit too tired to get anything accomplished.

I am glad that I was able to participate. It was fun.

Powered by ScribeFire.

April 28, 2007

A. wins 323-304

A. wins 323-304
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

It has been a month since our last game. One bingo tonight: harvests.

April 25, 2007

On the way home.

On the way home.
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

I saw this squirrel on the walk home a few weeks ago.

March 13, 2007

I guess you could say I had "one of those days" today.

It started off with running late for the morning lab. I got to campus a little after my usual time, and because lab was in the library, I was about 4 minutes late getting over there. I got everyone started on the lab, but then we discovered that the website was having bugs that actually prevented anyone from completing the lab.

I convinced the class to follow me back the science building where we could do an activity on the phases of the Moon in a dark lab. This was no small task to convince the class on such a nice Spring-like day.

Then, in class, the computer again refused to play my videos. :( I lost all control of class for a good 15+ minutes.

Afternoon lab was relatively relaxing as the students were given a "free day" to study and ask questions about their physics homework.

After going home for a quick bite, I went back to the observatory for some evening observing. No students showed up, but my TA was there, so I went across the street for a milk shake. I met a really friendly student who is in one of the Monday labs (that I'm not teaching). We had a nice chat, and it made it seem like all the bad stuff that happened today wasn't so bad after all.

March 03, 2007

A. wins 322-241

A. wins 322-241
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

This morning, I was sitting at the computer upstairs and looked out at the tree in the front yard and saw a woodpecker with an incredibly bright reddish-orange head.

Red-bellied Woodpecker - "Red-bellied Woodpecker Breeding Male: The breeding male Red-bellied Woodpecker has black and white barred upperparts and pale gray-brown underparts with a red wash on the belly. The head has a bright red crown and nape and pale brown face. Copyright © 2002-2007"

February 24, 2007

R. wins 378-265

R. wins 378-265
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.

This was last night's SCRABBLE game at the coffee shop.

I did get a bingo with "riposte" even though I got my butt kicked.

January 22, 2007

A colleague and I were just talking the other day about the old saying that "no two snowflakes are alike." He pointed out that the same could be said for grains of sand on the beach, but that no one (save a materials physicist) would point that out. How appropriate that the following article came up in my news feed today: - Scientist: Maybe Two Snowflakes are Alike:
"'How likely is it that two snowflakes are alike? Very 
likely if we define alike to mean that we would have trouble
distinguishing them under a microscope and if we include the
crystals that hardly develop beyond the prism stage—that is,
the smallest snow crystals,' Nelson said."

January 20, 2007


Two of my students who are going to be helping me in the observatory this semester braved the cold weather this week and grabbed a pretty good picture of the Orion Nebula.

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