August 17, 2015

Updating my accommodations statement in syllabuses

I'm updating my statement on accommodations for students with disabilities in all my syllabuses this Fall. I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions.

In previous terms I had a very standard, boilerplate statement:
Students with documented disabilities should notify the instructor directly about necessary accommodations.  The office of Student Accommodations and Resources (StAR) located in J-2025 provides assistance in verifying needs for accommodations and developing accommodation plans.
But, I want to try to make clear that I believe in fair accommodation for all students. So I'm updating this statement to say:
All students, regardless of physical or mental disability status, deserve an equal opportunity for success in all courses. As your instructor, I am deeply committed to encouraging your success and determined to make any possible accommodation necessary. 
Students with documented disabilities should first notify me directly about necessary accommodations as early in the semester as possible.  The office of Student Accommodations and Resources (StAR) located in J-2025 provides assistance in verifying needs for accommodations and developing accommodation plans.
Too often I have heard colleagues talk about what conditions students will face in future classes, transfer colleges, grad school or the work environment. I'm not interested in weeding out students who can't conform to arbitrary rules for completion of assessments and/or assignments. I am concerned with seeing that all students can meet their full potential and finding reasonable ways to remove unnecessary barriers to their success.

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