April 21, 2006

Tonight we (myself and some students) grabbed a 10 minute exposure of M82:

I can't wait to get the big mirror recoated and try taking photos on main scope.

I ran 1.7 miles today in 20 minutes at Shirk today. Someday I'm going to get to the 10-minute mile mark... Lifted weights for a bit, but had no food in me, so the lifting was really short.

I started looking at the syllabus for the May term course. My current plan is to do 8 chapters (of The Science of Sound) in the first 9 days, then take the last 4 (maybe 5) chapters over the last 7 days. Obviously, the acoustics of musical instruments is my favorite part. I've also tentatively set the lab schedule. I'll need to get cracking and try out all the labs in the next two weeks.

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