September 06, 2016

Day 9 - PHYS 201 and PHYS 110

What happened to Day 8?  I forgot and the Labor Day holiday happened, that's what. :/ (Last class was starting vectors, finishing the intro to coding, and doing the first assessment.)

Today in Physics 201 we started vectors in the 8:00 am section and got both sections going with the nTIPERs related to vectors.  I used the PhET simulation for vector addition to get the discussion going, then turned the class loose on the nTIPERs.

Here's one student's artwork with the sim:

I like it!

In the 10:00 am section we had a bit of time to discuss misconceptions from last weeks assessment.  I showed some photos of answers given by students on the assessment.  Surprisingly to me, the students self-identified their own work.  I hope the discussion was positive and productive.

In Physics 110 we looked at coupled oscillators, including getting out the air table for looking at pucks and springs coupled together.  We also finished the work with the IOlab devices and measuring the spring constant with them.  We finished up class by doing some end-of-chapter problems from the first two chapters. First assessment in this class will be next Tuesday.


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